Source code for ruptures.costs.costautoregressive


.. _sec-autoregressive:

Autoregressive model change


Let :math:`0<t_1<t_2<\dots<n` be unknown change points indexes.
Consider the following piecewise autoregressive model

.. math::

    y_t = z_t' \delta_j + \varepsilon_t, \quad \forall t=t_j,\dots,t_{j+1}-1

where :math:`j>1` is the segment number, :math:`z_t=[y_{t-1}, y_{t-2},\dots,y_{t-p}]` is the lag vector,and :math:`p>0` is the order of the process.

The least-squares estimates of the break dates is obtained by minimiming the sum of squared
residuals :cite:`ar-Bai2000`.
Formally, the associated cost function on an interval :math:`I` is

    .. math:: c(y_{I}) = \min_{\delta\in\mathbb{R}^p} \sum_{t\in I} \|y_t - \delta' z_t \|_2^2


Start with the usual imports and create a signal with piecewise linear trends.

.. code-block:: python

    from itertools import cycle
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pylab as plt
    import ruptures as rpt
    # creation of data
    n = 2000
    n_bkps, sigma = 4, 0.5  # number of change points, noise standart deviation
    bkps = [400, 1000, 1300, 1800, n]
    f1 = np.array([0.075, 0.1])
    f2 = np.array([0.1, 0.125])
    freqs = np.zeros((n, 2))
    for sub, val in zip(np.split(freqs, bkps[:-1]), cycle([f1, f2])):
        sub += val
    tt = np.arange(n)
    signal = np.sum((np.sin(2*np.pi*tt*f) for f in freqs.T))
    signal += np.random.normal(scale=sigma, size=signal.shape)
    # display signal, bkps, figsize=(10, 6))

Then create a :class:`CostAR` instance and print the cost of the sub-signal
The autoregressive order can be specified through the keyword ``'order'``.

.. code-block:: python

    c = rpt.costs.CostAR(order=10).fit(signal)
    print(c.error(50, 150))

You can also compute the sum of costs for a given list of change points.

.. code-block:: python

    print(c.sum_of_costs([10, 100, 200, 250, n]))

In order to use this cost class in a change point detection algorithm (inheriting from
:class:`BaseEstimator`), either pass a :class:`CostAR` instance (through the argument
``'custom_cost'``) or set :code:`model="ar"`.
Additional parameters can be passed to the cost instance through the keyword ``'params'``.

.. code-block:: python

    c = rpt.costs.CostAR(order=10); algo = rpt.Dynp(custom_cost=c)
    # is equivalent to
    algo = rpt.Dynp(model="ar", params={"order": 10})

Code explanation

.. autoclass:: ruptures.costs.CostAR
    :special-members: __init__

.. rubric:: References

.. bibliography:: ../biblio.bib
    :style: alpha
    :labelprefix: AR
    :keyprefix: ar-

import numpy as np
from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided
from numpy.linalg import lstsq

from ruptures.base import BaseCost
from ruptures.costs import NotEnoughPoints

[docs]class CostAR(BaseCost): r""" Least-squares estimate for changes in autoregressive coefficients. """ model = "ar"
[docs] def __init__(self, order=4): self.signal = None self.covar = None self.min_size = max(5, order + 1) self.order = order
[docs] def fit(self, signal): """Set parameters of the instance. The signal must be 1D. Args: signal (array): 1d signal. Shape (n_samples, 1) or (n_samples,). Returns: self """ if signal.ndim == 1: self.signal = signal.reshape(-1, 1) else: self.signal = signal # lagged covariates n_samples, _ = self.signal.shape strides = (self.signal.itemsize, self.signal.itemsize) shape = (n_samples - self.order, self.order) lagged = as_strided(self.signal, shape=shape, strides=strides) # pad the first columns lagged_after_padding = np.pad(lagged, ((self.order, 0), (0, 0)), mode="edge") # add intercept self.covar = np.c_[lagged_after_padding, np.ones(n_samples)] # pad signal on the edges self.signal[:self.order] = self.signal[self.order] return self
[docs] def error(self, start, end): """Return the approximation cost on the segment [start:end]. Args: start (int): start of the segment end (int): end of the segment Returns: float: segment cost Raises: NotEnoughPoints: when the segment is too short (less than ``'min_size'`` samples). """ if end - start < self.min_size: raise NotEnoughPoints y, X = self.signal[start:end], self.covar[start:end] _, residual, _, _ = lstsq(X, y, rcond=None) return residual.sum()