Source code for ruptures.costs.costml

.. _sec-metric:

Mahalanobis-type metric


Given a positive semi-definite matrix :math:`M\in\mathbb{R}^{d\times d}`,
this cost function detects changes in the mean of the embedded signal defined by the pseudo-metric

    .. math:: \|x-y\|_M^2 = (x-y)^t M (x-y)

Formally, for a signal :math:`\{y_t\}_t` on an interval :math:`I`, the cost function is equal to

    .. math:: c(y_{I}) = \sum_{t\in I} \|y_t - \bar{\mu}\|_{M}^2

where :math:`\bar{\mu}` is the empirical mean of the sub-signal :math:`\{y_t\}_{t\in I}`.
The matrix :math:`M` can for instance be the result of a similarity learning algorithm :cite:`ml-Xing2003` or the inverse of the empirical covariance matrix (yielding the Mahalanobis distance).


Start with the usual imports and create a signal.

.. code-block:: python

    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pylab as plt
    import ruptures as rpt
    # creation of data
    n, dim = 500, 3  # number of samples, dimension
    n_bkps, sigma = 3, 5  # number of change points, noise standart deviation
    signal, bkps = rpt.pw_constant(n, dim, n_bkps, noise_std=sigma)

Then create a :class:`CostMl` instance and print the cost of the sub-signal :code:`signal[50:150]`.

.. code-block:: python

    M = np.eye(dim)
    c = rpt.costs.CostMl(metric=M).fit(signal)
    print(c.error(50, 150))

You can also compute the sum of costs for a given list of change points.

.. code-block:: python

    print(c.sum_of_costs([10, 100, 200, 250, n]))

In order to use this cost class in a change point detection algorithm (inheriting from :class:`BaseEstimator`), either pass a :class:`CostMl` instance (through the argument ``'custom_cost'``) or set :code:`model="mahalanobis"`.

.. code-block:: python

    c = rpt.costs.CostMl(metric=M); algo = rpt.Dynp(custom_cost=c)
    # is equivalent to
    algo = rpt.Dynp(model="mahalanobis", params={"metric": M})

Code explanation

.. autoclass:: ruptures.costs.CostMl
    :special-members: __init__

.. rubric:: References

.. bibliography:: ../biblio.bib
    :style: alpha
    :labelprefix: ML
    :keyprefix: ml-

import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import inv

from ruptures.base import BaseCost
from ruptures.exceptions import NotEnoughPoints

[docs]class CostMl(BaseCost): r""" Mahalanobis-type cost function. """ model = "mahalanobis"
[docs] def __init__(self, metric=None): """Create a new instance. Args: metric (ndarray, optional): PSD matrix that defines a Mahalanobis-type pseudo distance. If None, defaults to the Mahalanobis matrix. Shape (n_features, n_features). Returns: self """ self.metric = metric self.gram = None self.min_size = 2
[docs] def fit(self, signal): """Sets parameters of the instance. Args: signal (array): signal. Shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_features) Returns: self """ s_ = signal.reshape(-1, 1) if signal.ndim == 1 else signal # Mahalanobis metric if self.metric is None if self.metric is None: covar = np.cov(s_.T) self.metric = inv( covar.reshape(1, 1) if covar.size == 1 else covar) self.gram = return self
[docs] def error(self, start, end): """Return the approximation cost on the segment [start:end]. Args: start (int): start of the segment end (int): end of the segment Returns: float: segment cost Raises: NotEnoughPoints: when the segment is too short (less than ``'min_size'`` samples). """ if end - start < self.min_size: raise NotEnoughPoints sub_gram = self.gram[start:end, start:end] val = np.diagonal(sub_gram).sum() val -= sub_gram.sum() / (end - start) return val