.. _sec-pw-constant:
Mean shift
For a given number of samples :math:`T`, number of changepoints :math:`K` and noise variance :math:`\sigma^2`, this function generates change point indexes :math:`0<t_1<\dots<t_K<T` and a piecewise constant signal :math:`\{y_t\}_t` with additive Gaussian noise.
Start with the usual imports and create a signal.
.. code-block:: python
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import ruptures as rpt
# creation of data
n, dim = 500, 3 # number of samples, dimension
n_bkps, sigma = 3, 5 # number of change points, noise standart deviation
signal, bkps = rpt.pw_constant(n, dim, n_bkps, noise_std=sigma)
rpt.display(signal, bkps)
The mean shift amplitude is uniformly drawn from an interval that can be changed through the keyword ``'delta'``.
.. code-block:: python
signal, bkps = rpt.pw_constant(n, dim, n_bkps, noise_std=sigma, delta=(1, 10))
Code explanation
.. autofunction:: ruptures.datasets.pw_constant.pw_constant
import numpy as np
from numpy import random as rd
from ruptures.utils import draw_bkps
[docs]def pw_constant(n_samples=200, n_features=1, n_bkps=3, noise_std=None,
delta=(1, 10)):
"""Return a piecewise constant signal and the associated changepoints.
n_samples (int): signal length
n_features (int, optional): number of dimensions
n_bkps (int, optional): number of changepoints
noise_std (float, optional): noise std. If None, no noise is added
delta (tuple, optional): (delta_min, delta_max) max and min jump values
tuple: signal of shape (n_samples, n_features), list of breakpoints
# breakpoints
bkps = draw_bkps(n_samples, n_bkps)
# we create the signal
signal = np.empty((n_samples, n_features), dtype=float)
tt_ = np.arange(n_samples)
delta_min, delta_max = delta
# mean value
center = np.zeros(n_features)
for ind in np.split(tt_, bkps):
if ind.size > 0:
# jump value
jump = rd.uniform(delta_min, delta_max, size=n_features)
spin = rd.choice([-1, 1], n_features)
center += jump * spin
signal[ind] = center
if noise_std is not None:
noise = rd.normal(size=signal.shape) * noise_std
signal = signal + noise
return signal, bkps