.. _sec-display:
The function :func:`display` displays a signal and the change points provided in alternating colors.
If another set of change point indexes is provided, they are displayed with dashed vertical dashed lines.
Start with the usual imports and create a signal.
.. code-block:: python
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import ruptures as rpt
# creation of data
n, dim = 500, 2 # number of samples, dimension
n_bkps, sigma = 3, 5 # number of change points, noise standart deviation
signal, bkps = rpt.pw_constant(n, dim, n_bkps, noise_std=sigma)
rpt.display(signal, bkps)
If we computed another set of change points, for instance ``[110, 150, 320, 500]``, we can easily compare the two segmentations.
.. code-block:: python
rpt.display(signal, bkps, [110, 150, 320, 500])
.. figure:: /images/example-display.png
:scale: 50 %
Example output of the function :func:`display`.
Code explanation
.. autofunction:: ruptures.show.display.display
from itertools import cycle
import numpy as np
from ruptures.utils import pairwise
COLOR_CYCLE = ["#4286f4", "#f44174"]
class MatplotlibMissingError(RuntimeError):
[docs]def display(signal, true_chg_pts, computed_chg_pts=None, **kwargs):
Display a signal and the change points provided in alternating colors. If another set of change
point is provided, they are displayed with dashed vertical dashed lines.
The following matplotlib subplots options is set by default, but can be changed when calling `display`):
- "figsize": (10, 2 * n_features), # figure size
signal (array): signal array, shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_features).
true_chg_pts (list): list of change point indexes.
computed_chg_pts (list, optional): list of change point indexes.
**kwargs : all additional keyword arguments are passed to the plt.subplots call.
tuple: (figure, axarr) with a :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` object and an array of Axes objects.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
except ImportError:
raise MatplotlibMissingError(
'This feature requires the optional dependency matpotlib, you can install it using `pip install matplotlib`.')
if type(signal) != np.ndarray:
# Try to get array from Pandas dataframe
signal = signal.values
if signal.ndim == 1:
signal = signal.reshape(-1, 1)
n_samples, n_features = signal.shape
# let's set a sensible defaut size for the subplots
matplotlib_options = {
"figsize": (10, 2 * n_features), # figure size
# add/update the options given by the user
# create plots
fig, axarr = plt.subplots(n_features, sharex=True, **matplotlib_options)
if n_features == 1:
axarr = [axarr]
for axe, sig in zip(axarr, signal.T):
color_cycle = cycle(COLOR_CYCLE)
# plot s
axe.plot(range(n_samples), sig)
# color each (true) regime
bkps = [0] + sorted(true_chg_pts)
alpha = 0.2 # transparency of the colored background
for (start, end), col in zip(pairwise(bkps), color_cycle):
axe.axvspan(max(0, start - 0.5),
end - 0.5,
facecolor=col, alpha=alpha)
color = "k" # color of the lines indicating the computed_chg_pts
linewidth = 3 # linewidth of the lines indicating the computed_chg_pts
linestyle = "--" # linestyle of the lines indicating the computed_chg_pts
# vertical lines to mark the computed_chg_pts
if computed_chg_pts is not None:
for bkp in computed_chg_pts:
if bkp != 0 and bkp < n_samples:
axe.axvline(x=bkp - 0.5,
return fig, axarr